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Pink home decor

How to Indulge Your Love of Pink in Your Home Decor

It’s time to let it out. You love pink! You can’t get enough of it. Pink! Pink! Pink!

But painting and decorating your house or apartment in pink is still not something that even the most dedicated lovers of pink dare to do – unless you try some of the following tips for making pink part of your décor without worrying that it will be, well, too pink.

1. Use Lighter Shades on Walls

Yes, you’ll certainly make an impression if all your walls are all ‘hot’ pink. But if you paint them in subtler shades of pink, it can add a backdrop of playful colour for the neutral solids and patterns on your furniture.

2. Pick a Feature and Go for It

No, we’re not going to tell you to just use ‘subtle’ shades. If nothing but the hottest, bubblegummiest pink will satisfy your craving, pick a feature, like a bedroom door, bookcase or couch pillows and make them as pink as you dare.

3. Put it in Your Artwork & Accessories

This can become an ongoing way to keep giving yourself a fix for your pink obsession. Start looking for artwork and/or accessories, like a beautiful pink flamingo sculpture, that let you indulge in the colour without overwhelming anyone with it.

4. Choose Your Palette Carefully

If pink used to have a bad rep in home decorating, it’s because people tended to go over the top with it by making everything pink. But you can actually make the pink areas of your décor stand out even more by using them in the right color palletes.

Pink shows up well in combination with light and dark grays, dark blues, earthy browns, taupes and even aquas.

To learn more about how to indulge your love of pink – and still keep all your friends – call or visit us here at The Paint People.


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